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Komondor Dog Breed Information And Temperament

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What would you do if your mop got up and started barking? Relax, that’s not a mop or some sort of bio -cleaning tool with a tongue. It’s, in fact, a canine celebration of fur-engineering! Komondor actually hails from Hungary. It is the largest of the Hungarian pastoral breeds used as a guard dog protecting livestock.

Komondor is also known as the Hungarian Sheepdog, Hungarian mop dog, and the “Kom,”. It is one of the national treasures in Hungary.

Kom is an enchanter; there is no doubt about it. Not anyone who has seen a Komondor in its entire magnificence will ever forget that magical moment.

That hair isn’t just fashion forward. Their distinctive cords shield this dog from intense weather and predators.

Komondor is an indispensable mate and helper of shepherds since ancient times.

Komondor Breed Characteristics Sheet

  • Origin: Hungary
  • Size: Large
  • Dog Breed Group: Herding (FCI)/ Working (AKC, CKC)/ Guardian Group (UKC)/Pastoral (KC)
  • Purebred: Yes
  • Lifespan: 10-12 Years
  • Height: Male:25-27 Inches (63 – 68 Cm), Female: 23-25 Inches (58 – 63 Cm)
  • Weight: Males: 45 – 56 Kg (100-125 Lbs) And Females: 36 – 45 Kg (80-100  Lbs)
  • Coat Appearance: Double Coat
  • Coat Colors: White
  • Temperament: Alert, Athletic, Affectionate, Cheerful, Energetic, Friendly,  Intelligent, Lively, Loyal, Protective, Pleasant, Responsive, Social, Spirited, Territorial, Watchful
  • Good With Children: Yes
  • Intelligence Level: High
  • Good With Pets: Yes
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes
  • Grooming: High
  • Shedding: Minimal
  • Barking: Barks When Necessary
  • Suitable For Apartments: No
  • Need For Exercise: Average
  • Easy To Train: Yes
  • Good For First Time Owners: Half Chance
  • Health Issues: Hip Dysplasia, Gastric Torsion, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Osteochondritis, Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), Entropion
  • Litter Size: 6- 8
  • Average Price: $1000 – $2000 USD, £1000 For KC Registered, £380 For Non-KC Registered (UK)

Komondor History

Predecessors of the Komondorok (the pluralization) belonged to a race of people called the Cumans or Kuns. They originated in China.

Due to the expansion of Mongol territories in the late 900s AD, Cumans were forced to move westwards. They arrived in Hungary and were allowed to settle and the dogs were called “Cuman dog”.

Experts believe that the Ovcharka, the Ukrainian Sheepdog had an influence in the development of the Komondor’s coat. This great coat which in turn has influenced the coat of its counterpart, the Puli.

Komondor first popped up as a family name in 1454. It was recorded specifically under the name “Kamondor” in the ‘Codex of Debrecen’ in 1519.

Komondor as a breed was first mentioned in a book written by the monks of Clarissa Monastery of Old Buda Castle.

The History of King Astyages and Cyrus’ was a book written by Kakonyi Peter in 1549 about a Persian king and a Prince. It has the earliest literary description of the Komondor as a white shepherd dog.

Komondor Coat Color And Appearance

The coat color of Komondor is white. In addition to their size, the coat makes the Komondor even more electrifying and spectacular.

The coat played a major role in the extreme climate of the Asian steppes and Carpathian basin. It protected the dog from the bitter cold during winter and hot Sun in the summer.

They own the heaviest of all coats in the canine world. This dense double coat protects the dog’s body like a shield. It allows the dogs to hide among the large flocks of sheep they protected. It was a shield when they had to fight with predators such as wolves.

The mature Komondor’s coat length almost reaches down to the ground. They have a long, coarse outer coat, which can be curly or wavy, and a much softer undercoat.

As the hair grows, it forms long cords with the longest part being on the croup and thighs up to 20-27 cm.

To begin with, a puppy’s coat is soft and fluffy. They start growing to their adult coat when they are between 6 to 9 months old.  A puppy’s coat has a cream or buff shading, but when they get older this disappears with the hair turning white.


Meet the Komondor, but don’t feel bad if you mistook the animated, affectionate pup’s exclusive coat for some mop.

Once you get a glimpse of that merry face and the mischievous sparkle in the eyes, you’ll be smitten.

Kom is packed as a breed with a short, square appearance, but is a large, well-balanced dog.

Komondorok have a quite broad and domed head.

They have a proportioned, broad, rather coarse muzzle, which is shorter than half the length of the head.

Their medium sized, not too deeply set, dark brown eyes always boast a lively expression.

Ears are V-or U shaped, pendant from the base and set below the level of the skull, well covered in hair. These dogs have well-muscled jaws with a perfect scissor bite.

A Kom’s tail is low set and pendant with dogs carrying them curled over the rump-loin area.

Due to the density and texture of a Kom’s coat, it is hardly distinguishable.

Komondor Size And Lifespan

Komondor Size

  • Height – Male:25-27 inches (63 – 68 cm), female: 23-25 inches (58 – 63 cm)
  • Weight – Males: 45 – 56 kg (100-125 lbs) and Females: 36 – 45 Kg (80-100  lbs)

Komondor Lifespan

The average life-span of a Komondor is about 10-12 years. A lucky few owners have their Koms live up to 14 years.

Komondor Training

  • Trainability – Slightly Difficult
  • Intelligence – High
  • Memory – High
  • Mouthiness – Low
  • Prey Drive – High
  • Barking – High
  • Wanderlust Potential – High

Komondor is not a good choice for first-time owners. People who are familiar with this type of large guarding dog should handle this dog breed.

Moreover, they have can have dominant tendencies and a strong mind of their own. But, their intelligence, loyalty and eager to please nature makes the training easy.

When considering this – Komondor make good pets for novice owners. But, they should have early, persistent and extensive socialization.

First-time owners should probe into the breed’s outlook comprehensively before adopting one.

Komondor can be a fantastic breed for a proper home and experienced owners. But she can’t just fit into any lifestyle, just like that.

Those who are interested in this breed should do their homework. First-time owners should talk to breeders and other experienced owners before getting one.

They don’t respond well to any sort of heavy-handed training or inconsiderate correction methods. Still, they do respond well to positive reinforcement in the form of praise or treats.

The dogs that are not socialized may develop excessive suspicious nature towards strangers.  They may develop aggression towards other pets or animals.

The key to implant proper Komondor temperament as an adult is to socialize her around all kinds of people when she is a puppy. Despite making her less protective, this will make her more effective as a watchdog.

Komondor Food

Rough Feeding guide for Kom:

  • Cups per day – 4 cups dry dog food(average)
  • Pups 2-3 months old – 2 -3 meals every 24 hours (300g- 500g).
  • 3 to 6 months old –  2-3 meals every 24 hour period (500g-800g)
  • Feed puppies 6 months to 10 months- 2 bowls of food daily (800g)
  • 10- 14 months-2 bowls of food daily (800g-500g)- reduce gradually every month
  • After the 15th month, you can feed adult food and one bowl or two smaller bowls every 24 hours is typically all that’s necessary.

Remember, the feedings depend on the puppy’s build, health, allergies, activity level, and eating tendencies.

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Foods to “Avoid”



Komondor Temperament

Don’t be fooled by their large, clumsy size. They can be acrobatic and may be equated to a bouncing spring.

With infinite energy and curiosity, they investigate every new sight and sound in the territory. The will never forget to express her opinion about it.

Also, don’t underestimate this endearing mop hound. They may look cuddly and cute, but they are also territorial and protective.

While it follows you around the house like a lap dog, it will wary of strangers and perceived threats. Because of this breed’s original purpose, it is not demanding.

Outsiders and unsolicited guests will be subject to a wary gaze. But, one good thing is that the Koms will give them the benefit of the doubt if no harm is meant.

Guarding the family is instinctive and requires no training that is so much in their blood.

During daytime, the dog likes to take it easy and lounge around, but her vigilance never stops, not even for a second. At night, she will be constantly moving, patrolling the territory.

The intruder will be confronted face to face, and the dog’s goal is not to cause harm, but rather to disarm. As long as the master arrives, the despiteful intruder cannot move and they will be under arrest.

Many experienced owners say that you can enter the house where there is a Komondor, but you can’t get out. Unlike the Kuvasz, the Komondors don’t prove their dominance over their master’s family.

When compared to her Hungarian counterpart Puli, Komondor tends to be more sedentary.  Their original job was as more of a watchdog or guard dog than a working herding dog.

Komondor Grooming And Shedding

  • Coat Density – Dense
  • Length – Long
  • Texture – Corded
  • Brushing Frequency – Fortnightly
  • Trimming/Stripping – Needed
  • Hypoallergenic – Yes
  • Shedding – Minimal

They have an ultra-thick, weather-resistant coat that easily clumps. If left to itself will shape into woolly cords as the dog matures.

Depending on the density of the outer coat and undercoat as well as the coat’s texture, the cords may be round or flat.

The full coat does not manifest until a second year and it takes nearly 5-8 years to grow out completely. It may eventually reach the floor.

The cords tend to clump together around their belly, back ends and in their feet.  The coat doesn’t need to be groomed every day.  It is enough to tease apart those “signature” clumps to form smaller ones as soon as possible to avoid any matting.

Komondor Shedding

Komondor does not shed much. Therefore, those who are on vacuum duty will thank you as they don’t have to worry about getting dog hair all over the house.

Are Komondors hypoallergenic?

Yes, they are hypoallergenic. They shed lesser than other breeds and the shed hair most of the time gets ‘trapped’ in their dense coat.

Often to maintain their look, the cords must be separated. Otherwise, they may pick up a lot of dirt and debris. Consult a professional dog groomer. Ask for some useful advice to make grooming and trimming less difficult.

You may trim it; yet, big locks deserve big props.

Can you shave a Komondor?

Yes, you can shave off its coat if grooming this breed takes too much of your time. But, it is better to shave the Komondor during the spring season. Also, always keep in mind your dog’s ability to withstand extreme hot and cold conditions before shaving.

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Interesting Facts

  • The Komondor and the Puli used to work together to guard and herd livestock. The Puli would hold the fort during the day and alert the Komondor if there are any intruders.
  • Komondor (or even Kuvasz) would take charge and take care of the threat. Komondors also would take care of the night shift. A single Komondor (or maybe two) and a puli can take care of a large herd without any trouble.
  • Komondors are declared as a National Treasure in Hungary.  They have to preserve this breed from modification. They do not have to worry about their future and turn their attention towards guarding duties.
  • You may have heard of Komondors, but have you heard of Komondorok? It is the plural form of Komondor in Hungarian. The consonant “k” in Hungarian is similar to that of “s” in English.
  • Approximately, an adult Komondor has 200 cords and the cords itself can weigh up to 10-15lbs! This breed doesn’t need to be brushed as the cords form dreadlocks.
  • The cords must be washed to prevent dirt from building up. The fully coated Komondor requires seven to ten hours for the cords to completely dry.
  • They have featured on album covers! The cover of American alternative rock artist Beck’s 1996 album entitled Odelay features a Komondor jumping over a hurdle.

Komondor Health Problems

Major concerns

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Allergies: Food Allergies, Airborne pollens, Dust mites, Flea, and tick bites
  • Gastric torsion

Minor concerns

  • Cataracts
  • Diabetes
  • Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
  • Entropion

Komondor Price And Breeders

The average price of this breed may be between $1000 – $2000 USD (USA), £1000 for KC Registered, £380 for Non-KC Registered (UK).

On average, the puppies will range anywhere around $1000 – $2000. The costs will depend on the age, quality, lineage, breeder, your location, popularity at the time of purchase and inclusions.

Don’t be shocked if the prices you see are higher than this. At present, there are only a few breeders, and this is the reason the cost can be quite high in some countries.

The costlier dogs will have a premium lineage and breeding rights, making it a great show dog with no imperfections. It can be hard to find this dog in certain countries. So there is a good chance when you purchase you have to pay the shipping fees.

Depending on how you ship and the location, the costs can add up another $200 to $500.

Komondor Breeders

  • Feathers and Fleece Farm Lexington, Indiana
  • Komondor rescue Baltimore, Maryland
  • Mossy Falls Farm Potter Valley, California

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