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Foods Dogs Can Eat Safely Besides Dog Food

Foods Dogs Can Eat
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Foods Dogs Can Eat Safely

There are certain foods dogs can eat other than the dog food:

  • Oatmeal – Highly beneficial for dogs with bowel irregularity. It is best suited for dogs with allergies to wheat based products. Cook the oatmeal before serving and avoid adding any flavours or sugar additives.
  • Apple slices – Contains vitamin C and A freshens the dog’s breath and are a great source of fibre. Remove the core and seeds before feeding them.
  • Green Beans – They are low in calories and select green beans without any salt.
  • Eggs – Eggs contain selenium and riboflavin and give your dog a nice protein boost.
  • Pumpkin – A natural source of vitamin A and beta-carotene. It keeps the intestinal tract clean and easy.
  • Salmon – Contains Omega 3 fats and helps to maintain your dog’s immune system hale and healthy. Feed him with fish skins, add few drops of salmon oil, and cooked salmon as well.




  • Yoghurts – They contains active bacteria that are good for the dog’s digestive tract and are also high in protein and calcium. Avoid ones with artificial sweeteners and preservatives.
  • Baby Carrots –  Carrots contain vitamin A or beta-carotene and are a rich source of fibre content.
  • Cheese – Provide with only low-fat varieties and cottage cheese are best.
  • Cooked Chicken – A nice replacement for regular meals and add extra protein and spice to its diet.
  • Peanut Butter – Avoid peanut butter products with artificial sweeteners such as xylitol.
  • Blue Berries – They are quite nutritious and safe for dogs. They are rich in antioxidants and supply an important amount of fibre, minerals, and vitamins. Also, blueberries are very small in size and very low in calories. Therefore, they make a brilliant health conscious reward for your dog.
  • Pineapple – Freshly sliced pineapple pieces are healthy and safe for dogs.  Furthermore, pineapple is filled with fibre, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Broccoli – This vegetable provides a good nutritional boost. But, remember the quantity should not be more than 10 per cent of your dog’s overall diet. Also, broccoli causes severe gastrointestinal irritation if consumed in excessive quantities.
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