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Rottweiler Puppies – Facts On The Dangerous & Soft-Hearted

Rottweiler Puppies
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Rottweiler is a very traditional dog breed that originated from Rome. It is a descendant of the ancient Roman Drover dogs.

The Roman dogs bred with local dogs, and in the town of Rottweil, the result was strong dogs used by butchers to drive cattle to market.  Rottweiler dogs were also called as butcher dogs.

In the buildup to World War I, Rottweiler regained its recognition after being in hibernation for many years. The Germans began the Rottweiler Club on 13 January 1914 and then some others followed.

During the First and Second World Wars, Rottweiler served as messenger, draught, guard and ambulance dogs.

Rottweiler Breed Characteristics

  • Origin: Germany
  • Size: Large
  • Dog Breed Group: Working Group
  • Purebred: Yes
  • Lifespan: 8-10 Years
  • Height: Male: 24-27 inches (61-69 cm), Female: 22-25 inches (56-63 cm)
  • Weight: Male: 95-135 pounds (43-61 kg), Female: 80-100 pounds (36-45 kg)
  • Coat Appearance: Short, dense, and straight with an undercoat on the neck and thighs
  • Coat Colors: Black with rust, mahogany or tan markings
  • Temperament: Loyal, confident, courageous, calm
  • Good With Children: Yes, when raised with them and properly trained
  • Intelligence Level: High
  • Good With Pets: Can be good if raised with them but may be aggressive towards unfamiliar animals
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Grooming: Moderate; regular brushing is required to manage shedding
  • Barking: Moderate; tends to be quiet, more likely to growl if necessary
  • Suitable For Apartments: Not ideal due to size and energy level
  • Need For Exercise: High; requires regular, structured exercise
  • Easy To Train: Yes, very trainable but requires a firm, consistent approach
  • Good For First Time Owners: No, best suited for experienced dog owners
  • Health Issues: Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, heart conditions, osteosarcoma
  • Litter Size: 8-12 puppies
  • Average Price: $1,000 to $2,500 USD

Rottweiler Types

◊ American Rottweiler

An American Rottweiler is a Rottweiler born in the United States.

Due to indiscriminate breeding of this breed in the United States, various Rottweilers emerged who actually do not conform to the standards of the Rottweiler breed.



◊ German Rottweiler

This Rottweiler is a breed born in Germany. The Rottweiler club of Germany will allow only selective dogs to reproduce.

It is a mandatory rule in this nation that the owners prior to breeding dogs must ensure a pass in the various physical and temperamental specifications.



◊ Roman Rottweiler

According to dog breed Info, the Roman Rottweiler is an oversized dog that is selectively bred to look more like a mastiff. The term “Roman Rottweiler” is seen to be more of a sales gimmick generated by unscrupulous breeders to entice buyers for purchase.

Utmost caution is required to select this breed because it is tough to find the real Rottweiler that is in line with the set standards.



◊ Tailed Rottweiler

Rottweilers with tails are just Rottweilers with tails. Many German Rottweilers are with tails because, since 1999, Germany banned the practice of docking tails.

It is the set of the tail that is more noticed than the length.



◊ Real Rottweiler

The real Rottweilers are those who adhere to the breed standard. Irrespective of a country of origin, this breed will have the set of standards that are followed by principled breeders who breed it.

Succinctly, Rottweilers can be either the well-bred or the badly bred ones. A Rottweiler dog is prefixed with the country name since it is born there, such as American, French, German, Italian and Canadian.



◊ Rare Rottweiler

Despite having an attractive look, rare Rottweilers are those dogs that do not adhere to the required standards and are actually bred along with a dog of another breed.

Some other “rare” Rottweilers includes long-haired Rottweilers, but they are not considered as a non-standard breed.



Rottweiler Size

According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale standards, Rottweiler puppies that are of medium / large breed on an average stand 61–69 cm at the withers for males.

Regarding female puppies, the average height is 56–63 cm. The weight is between 50 and 60 kg for males and 35 to 48 kg for females.

Rottweiler Personality

  • Rottweilers are very loyal to its owners and are great guard dogs that protect its family fearlessly but however, it must be properly trained
  • If the right training is given to Rottweilers in the form of exercises and socialization right from its puppyhood, it will display matured behaviour
  • Rottweiler puppies can be very good friends
  • It has a playful nature
  • Rottweilers take its time to decide on moving with strangers and then only starts showing its affection based on the person/s
  • They generally do not have that natural aggressive behaviour as being claimed by some section of breeders and others. Rottweilers bark occasionally.
  • Rottweiler puppies like to chew. If not properly exercised or given enough of its own interesting bones to chew, it will become bored and turn to household items. A Rottweiler’s jaws are extremely strong and it can make quick work of furniture.

Rottweiler Lifespan

The majority opinion that is held regarding the lifespan of Rottweiler puppies is that this breed can survive till the age of between 8 to 10 years. It is also believed that the female tends to live two years more than its male counterpart.

Rottweiler Temperament

The temperament of Rottweiler puppies can be defined by using the following adjectives:

  • Highly matured
  • Calm
  • Obedient
  • Self-assured
  • Steady
  • Alert
  • Fearless

Best Names For Your Rottweiler Puppies

Male Dogs Female Dogs
Tiger Sandy



Interesting Facts On Rottweiler Puppies

Rottweiler puppies were initially used for driving herds of cattle and haul carts. In the modern era, they are used for security and herding.

Rottweiler can be called as a multipurpose dog since it is used in: police force, house as guard dogs and, help the disabled like a guide

Rottweilers are large, powerful dogs that definitely require extensive socialization and training from early puppyhood.

It is the ninth popular dog breed in the USA.

Rottweiler is in the list of 10 smartest dog breeds in the world.

Celebrities like Will Smith, Bruno Mars, Hayden Panettiere, and Leonardo DiCaprio all have owned or once had a Rottweiler.

Rottweiler Health Problems

The most common diseases that Rottweiler dogs suffer are: hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia and bloat.

They even suffer from Panosteitis, Addison’s disease, aortic stenosis, cataracts, diabetes, progressive retinal atrophy, and Von Willebrand’s diseases.

◊ Hip dysplasia – Symptoms and Treatment


  • The Rottweiler limps with an abnormal gait
  • Its usual activities are not performed completely
  • Difficulty in lying down or rising or going up the stairs
  • Extreme stiffness in the back of legs after doing some exercises
  • A certain movement that requires a complete extension of the rear legs may not be doable by it due to pain on hip extension


Both conventional treatment and natural remedies can be used for treating hip dysplasia in Rottweiler dogs.

Some popular conventional methods are and/or pain-relief and anti-inflammatory medications, oral supplements, weight management, and surgery.

Surgery could be Total Hip Replacement, Femoral Head Ostectomy, and Triple Pelvic Osteotomy.

Oral Supplements like Chondroitin, glucosamine, and herbs like ginger, cayenne, dandelion, alfalfa, Licorice/Yucca can be helpful in trying to cure the dog at the earliest.

Meanwhile, anti-inflammatory drugs like Methyl-sulfonyl-methane, Fatty Acids, Vitamin C and E can reduce inflammation and pain.

◊ Elbow Dysplasia – Symptoms and Treatment


  • Elbow Dysplasia is a hereditary disease and it might even be due to poor nutrition or injury.
  • If your Rottweiler puppy has elbow dysplasia, the symptoms will be
  • It is possible for the Rottweiler dog to show these signs, right from the age of four months
  • Swelling around the elbow(s) (elbow joint effusion)
  • Pain upon manipulation of the elbow joints, especially when they are fully flexed or fully extended
  • Impairment of the front limb that can even intensify by doing more exercise or other activities
  • Difficulty in getting up from a resting posture
  • Abduction problem, which means that the elbow/elbows of the affected dog will be held out away from its chest
  • Restricted movement of the elbow joint or joints can occur
  • Reluctance to go on walks
  • Reluctance to play


The Rottweiler puppy could be tried out for treatment through non-surgical and surgical treatment methods, based on its body condition.

The non-surgical treatment methods include:

  • Some changes in the exercises
  • Reducing weight by providing the right food
  • Use of supplements to the diet
  • Medication to reduce joint pain and inflammation
  • Do physical therapy and massage
  • Keep the sleeping area of the dog to utmost convenience

Depending on the seriousness of the problem, the doctor will treat the elbow dysplasia with surgery. Very cautious post-surgical care is a must.

◊ Bloating – Symptoms and Treatment





  • Rottweiler dog may experience stiffness and bulginess in its upper abdomen
  • The dog will persistently have that vomiting feeling but it will not be able to do it
  • Flatulence and excess gas
  • Belching
  • The affected Rottweiler dog can be facing problems like restlessness, a hunched back and whining due to pain in its abdomen
  • The signs of apprehension will happen in a dog, namely: blue colored gums and tongue, collapsing and excessive panting
  • Excessive Drooling
  • The color of its gums could become blue or similar to that of a mud color.
  • Sudden collapse due to lethargy


Treatment of bloating in a Rottweiler can be done by taking some precautionary steps like:

  • Not giving excess water to it after eating
  • Careful observance of its food habits
  • Providing the right food in the right amount and this includes supplements like probiotics and digestive enzymes
  • Never give junk food

In the case of emergent situations, consult your veterinarian doctor after trying out the four homeopathic drugs that are: Nux Vomica, Belladonna, Argentum Nitricum, and Carbo vegetabilis.

 ◊ Panosteitis – Symptoms and Treatment




Rottweilers in the age of between 5 and 12 months normally suffer from panosteitis.


Due to excessive bone production on the long bones of the front and hind legs, inflammation results causing pain and limping.


The most important thing to do is not feed the Rottweiler puppy with a protein-rich diet to avert the rapid growth of the puppy.

◊ Addison’s disease – Symptoms and Treatment





  • Muscle weakness
  • Appetite loss
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Blood in vomit and/or stools
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dehydration
  • Weight loss


Traditional treatment like using drug/s for replacing either one or both hormones (mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids) in the dog’s body.

Natural treatments like glandular therapy, providing herbs and natural foods and supplements. Natural foods and supplements contain the basic fatty acids antioxidants like Vitamin A, C, E, and selenium.

Some vegetables and fruits like broccoli, spinach, blueberry can even strengthen both the immune and metabolism of a Rottweiler dog.

It is imperative for the owner to treat their Rottweiler puppy under the proper guidance of the veterinary doctor to avert the ill effects that might happen.

◊ Aortic stenosis – Symptoms and Treatment





If your Rottweiler dog has severe aortic stenosis problems, it will be noticeable through:

  • Excessive panting
  • Fainting


Owners should stop the rigorous exercises for the dog with either moderate or severe condition of Aortic Stenosis.

◊ Cataracts – Symptoms and Treatment





  • The Rottweiler dog will have a cloud formation in the pupil region of its right eye or left eye or maybe both eyes.
  • Decrease or loss of vision can be noted in the affected dogs and this might lead it to trip, misjudging distances, bumping into walls or other objects and not able to recognize even known persons.
  • Dogs suffering from diabetes will drink more than the normal quantum of water wherein this will make such dogs too frequently urinate


The treatment for cataracts in dogs is usually the surgical method and it needs to be decided by the veterinary surgeon after a complete analysis of the dog.

However, the veterinarian might decide to use anti-inflammatory medication instead.

◊ Diabetes – Symptoms and Treatment





  • Higher appetite
  • Excessive thirst
  • Increase in bowel movements
  • Lethargy
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Weight Loss
  • Kidney Failure
  • Cataract


  • Exercise – Giving lot of exercises to enable the dog to keep its blood sugar under control
  • Diet – Give high carbohydrates and rich fiber in its diet
  • Insulin Therapy –  Vets induct two shots of insulin into the body of the dog after its meals
  • Treats and Supplements – Provide the dog with rich supplements and treats to balance the insulin shots. Supplements means the additional foods for the dog after its usual meals

◊ Progressive retinal atrophy – Symptoms and Treatment





  • The dogs will experience blurred vision in the nighttime or in dim light. The risk of poor vision in these dogs will make them bang on objects. Normal dogs or humans will not have these difficulties.
  • Hesitancy to move in the dark times of the day might develop in these dogs.
  • While they get exposed to dim light, they could show changes in their behaviour like fear or become startled. These dogs could bark for a long time in the night or behave aggressively.
  • The signs of behavioral changes in dogs with progressive retinal atrophy are not intense since the process of blindness happens at a tardy pace when compared with blind dogs. Dogs with progressive retinal atrophy can manage the changes
  • Respective dog owners can recognize their dog’s affected eye based on its difficulty of responding to various levels of light and its pupils will dilate continuously.


There is no cure for progressive retinal atrophy. Most of the doctors in the veterinary profession strongly believe that there is a very slim chance of recovery for a dog that is suffering from gradual retinal atrophy.

Vets administer some nutritional antioxidant supplements for this disease, however, the experts are still working on this.

The vets recommend the owners to ensure that their dog conveniently goes into complete blindness without facing any problems. They only give some useful tips to the owners as to how to take care of the dog despite this incurable condition.

◊ Von Willebrand’s – Symptoms and Treatment





  • Haemorrhage from mucous membranes
  • Prolonged bleeding after surgery or trauma
  • Excessive bleeding from a minor abrasion
  • Pain
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Collapse


Until now, there is no cure for Von Willebrand’s disease. A veterinarian can enlighten a Rottweiler dog owner about the risks of this disease and advise him to take cautious measures.

As part of the treatment, the vet doctor might:

  • Recommend to carefully utilize medications only if really needed after prior consultation. Doctore advise drugs like ibuprofen, antibiotics and antihistamine drugs to the dog in haste
  • Ask to avoid giving vigorous exercise to the dog
  • Look out for any bruises on the body of your dog after the exercise schedule or training and it is a very bad sign if it happens.
  • Vets prescribe coagulants for infusion into the dog that donates blood and hence the dog that receives blood will gain health soon.

In extreme cases, the veterinarian might go for surgery and deploy clotting agents. The dog may require a blood transfusion.

Rottweiler Puppies Price

The average price of a Rottweiler puppy in the USA is $1000. However, the price of premium quality puppies can be from $2500 to $9000.

However, the other factors that confirm the price of a Rottweiler puppy are:

  • Puppy’s size
  • Litter size of the puppy
  • Lineage of the puppy
  • Breed lines of the puppy
  • Location of the Breeders
  • Reputation of the Breeders
  • Breed popularity

Rottweiler Breeders

To check out the Rottweiler breeders in the USA, click.


Are Rottweilers safe?


Rottweiler dogs are a mixed bag. One cannot say that they are completely safe or extremely dangerous. Good training and socialization are extremely important for a Rottweiler, right from its puppyhood to ensure that it develops good habits. It is based on the behavior of its owner and also the other situations that it faces.

Is Rottweiler good with kids?


Generally, almost all owners of Rottweiler unanimously are of the opinion that this dog breed is very nice in terms of its relationship with kids. It maintains an affectionate and friendly attitude with the family members, also.

What other dogs look like Rottweilers?


There are some related breeds of dogs that resemble a Rottweiler dog:

  • Mastiff
  • Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  • Komondor
  • Kuvasz
  • Boxer
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Bullmastiff
  • Doberman Pinscher

Why are Rottweilers so aggressive?


It is majorly noted that Rottweilers turn aggressive usually because of fear. There are two kinds of aggression notable in a Rottweiler, namely: fear-based aggression and protective aggression.

Fear-based aggression is caused due to looking at some peculiarity of a person’s look on overall counts like for example, very long grown hairs.

Protective aggression is seen as a behavior that arises due to lack of socialization skill. For example, if the Rottweiler sees another dog.

Are Rottweilers naturally protective?


Usually, Rottweilers are naturally protective of their families but the respective owner needs to ensure this by giving it the right training and socialization.

However, something that is strange in this dog is its outlook toward strangers who don’t look actually threatening. Quality of training and socialization are pivotal activities for owners to do for their dogs.

Do Rottweilers drool a lot?


Rottweilers drool up to a mediocre level and this is basically because of its loosely structured lips. This drooling is mostly notable amongst large male Rottweiler dogs.

How much is a Rottweiler dog/puppy?


The price of a Rottweiler dog varies based on various parameters: breeder price, his reputation, place of origin, special features and overall quality. Rottweiler dogs are priced at $600 to $1000 in the US market.

They can be used as a pet and also guard dogs. Dogs in this breed also are available in a price range of $1000 to $1800 and even more than $1800. The maximum price can go up to $4000 for Rottweiler puppies immigrated from Germany.

Do Rottweilers shed a lot of hair?


Rottweilers have a short double coat but still, they can shed. Their undercoat is softer and much more insulated wherein this protects them throughout the winter.

The topcoat is much rougher, and this is the coat that you will see most of the time. During each year in the spring, the Rottweiler will shed its undercoat and also in the winter time, it will shed again.

What kind of a dog is a Rottweiler?


Rottweiler dogs generally have the traits of calmness, obedience, enthusiastic to work, confidence, dedication, alertness, fearlessness, and friendliness.

If the Rottweiler is given good socialization and training from a very young age, it can be the best dog that can get along well in the society. It barks occasionally, whenever most required.

What is the average size of a Rottweiler?


The average height of a male Rottweiler dog is 61 to 69 cm whilst a female dog stands 56 to 63 cm. When we look into the average body weight, the male Rottweiler weighs between 50 to 60 kg while a female dog is 35 to 48 kg.

What age is a Rottweiler fully grown?


The Rottweiler dog is a bulkily built and slow-growing dog breed. The Rottweiler puppy will become a fully grown or matured dog only when it (both male and female) reaches the age of at least 1.6 years to 2 years.

How often do you feed a Rottweiler puppy?


Generally, puppies eat more than adults. The Rottweiler puppy is best recommended by vet doctors to be fed based on its body weight.

The recommended food amount is 2-3% of the dog’s desired body weight per day. So for a 100lb dog, you will be feeding 2-3 pounds of food a day.

If the dog is gorging and fasting, it may be requiring 6 pounds or more of food to be fed on a gorge day.

What can I feed my rottweiler to gain weight?


Rottweiler puppies must be fed with foods that are rich in proteins and calories alongside helping to develop fat and healthier muscles. If you want your Rottweiler to gain more weight, it must be fed with a minimal of 290 calories per 15 lb of the stated nature of foods on a daily basis.

For example, fresh meat, egg, veggies, and cheese can fit the bill since they are protein-rich foods can be easily mixed with the Rottweiler’s food.

What is a Rottweiler a mix of?


The Rottweiler is one of the oldest herding dog breeds. Its history goes back to the days of the Roman Empire. The Rottweiler is generally believed to have descended from the ancient Roman drover dogs.

Roman drover dogs are a mastiff-type dog with good credibility and a rugged nature. It had great skills in guarding and showed phenomenal intelligence.

Are Rottweilers really dangerous?


It is based on the individual Rottweiler dog in respect of the environment and circumstances in which it is grown.

According to various statistics that are conducted based on some tests done on these dogs like bite test and individual temperament tests, the overall dog breed score shows positive results. It means that the Rottweilers are surely not very dangerous.

How do you train a Rottweiler puppy?


The Rottweiler puppy can be trained by the owner by adopting a step-wise procedural approach to training:

  • Begin training at a very early age of the puppy (7-8 weeks) and make the sessions short and joyful.
  • Reward your puppy when it follows your commands, say for example giving small cubes of cheese or pieces of chicken.
  • You must learn the perfect commands and execute it properly in a friendly manner.
  • Constantly follow these principles in all your commands.
  • Spend the required amount of time and effort on training.
  • Teach the ‘’no bite’’ approach to your Rottweiler puppy.
  • Give the ‘’no chew’’ command as it is commonly seen in dogs to chew everything.
  • Practice the puppy to maintain a quiet behaviour.
  • Teach `No’ or `Stop’.
  • Use the sit command and teach it accordingly so that the puppy can be comfortably fed, groomed and you can play with it in a relaxed fashion.
  • Teach him to get down
  • Teach Stay
  • Ask it to come by giving the come command

Finally, use the paw command and it will be useful when the nails of your Rottweiler are going to be trimmed or clipped

How do I get my Rottweiler puppy to stop biting?


You must definitely start from the first day itself, of your Rottweiler puppy ownership at home on how it should curb its biting habit. Some steps for the avoidance of this habit are:

  • Give a light nip on the neck of your Rottweiler puppy
  • Make a whining sound when you are bitten by it
  • Try replacement therapy where you hand your puppy a toy rather than putting your hand

Where to buy rottweiler puppies?


It is best advised to buy Rottweiler puppies from the best Rottweiler selling breeders/kennels since they will be having well bred and healthy ones.

Of course, there are many moderate and substandard breeders wherein you are always at risk of buying an unhealthy Rottweiler puppy and you will face many hardships thereafter.

Rottweiler puppies are popular and sold in many countries like USA, Australia, Germany, UK etc.

How much are German Rottweiler puppies?


German Rottweiler puppies are heavily priced. It is notable that in the USA, pure German Rottweiler bred puppy can be purchased for a price of between $7000 and $20000 or even slightly more.

However, a Rottweiler with mixed features such as American Rottie with German bloodlines will be available for a price range of $500 to $1000. An American Rottie with German import parents carrying titles/championships will cost $1,000 to $5,000+.

Can Rottweiler puppies have white on them?


It is generally recommended by the vet community and related professionals for breeders to breed a rottweiler with a white spot. The goal is to eliminate the white trait.

Breeders that get puppies with white spots sell them as pet quality only and do not allow breeding rights. The AKC papers are given to the puppy owners but marked as limited registration.

How many puppies can a rottweiler give birth to?


There are multiple views expressed in this regard from various quarters. There are various factors that determine the quantum of birth of puppies from the womb of a Rottweiler dog.

It might range from 3 to 4 puppies being born or 10 and more etc. Of course, there has been some news heard that a maximum of 18 puppies has been born to a Rottweiler dog.

How much are purebred rottweiler puppies?


Purebred Rottweiler puppies can be available in the market for a price of $1000 and go up to $4000. It is based on the experience and reputation of the breeder.

Highly reputed kennels/breeders who sell premium quality well-bred puppies can set a price range of $2000 to $4000. A mediocre breeder can sell a high bred puppy for a price of $1000 to $2000.

How much are rottweiler puppies in Australia?


Rottweiler puppies can be purchased in the breeding centres or kennels across Australia for a price ranging from $450 to $2000 Australian dollars.

It is however dependent on factors like the nature of the breeder, his market reputation and the overall quality of the Rottweiler dog.

It might even differ based on the state or location. For example, in Melbourne state, it might be costly and in Sydney, it could be a bit inexpensive.

How to choose rottweiler puppies?


It is important for a buyer to pick the ideal rottweiler puppy for his/her family. Some general tips that one can consider and follow if they are going to buy a puppy for the first time are:

  • When it comes time to make a selection out of your chosen litter, make sure that the puppy you are interested in does not shy away when you approach. It is better to opt for a puppy that can quickly socialize and allows you to hold and handle it.
  • As a first step at the breeder centre, it is necessary for you to ask the breeder about meeting the Rottweiler pup’s parents. The behaviour of such parents is vital to know prior to yourselves getting attached to a puppy. They must show an easy, friendly and well-mannered attitude.
  • Ask your breeder how many times the mom has been bred. If she has been bred over three times, there could be health and behaviour issues that you want to avoid.
  • Check his or her back legs. The large-breed dogs can have problems with hip dysplasia, which can be extremely expensive and heartbreaking for you and the dog.
  • Do not hesitate to ask many questions to the breeder since it is extremely mandatory for him to answer. It might cover the litter, parents, and the Rottweiler breed.
  • The breeder you buy from should care who is buying his or her dogs. So don’t be surprised if you have a large set of questions to answer yourself.
  • The health certificate must be sought from the breeder wherein it is mandatory that all puppies are being health certified and the required papers remain to prove it.
  • It is essential for you to confirm that the puppy you want to buy is looking hale and healthy
  • It must be ensured that the puppies have a clean and glossy hair.
  • Check their teeth and gums—teeth should be white and gums should be pink.

How to cut Rottweiler puppies tail?


Here is a stepwise procedure as to how the tail of a Rottweiler puppy needs to be docked:

  1. Under the guidance of a vet or experienced breeder, locate the area of the tail which is just above the anus. A properly docked tail will be very short, between the first and second vertebrae.
  2. Have someone for assistance to hold the puppy
  3. Use your docking band to tie the first knot loosely around the tail and move it to the length required. The knot should be firm but not too tight. Use a reef knot (square knot) so it is hard for the mother to undo. This is achieved by holding the two sides of the strand in each hand.
  4. Take the right side and bring it over and then underneath the left. Holding both sides up, now take the left side and bring it over and then underneath the right side.
  5. Now, go for tying the second knot. Tie a firm reef knot but it should not be extremely tight and make your pup struggle
  6. The ends of the docking band must be cut to at least 1/2 inch of length
  7. Apply iodine twice per day using a cotton swab. This will keep the skin around and underneath the band clean and sterile.
  8. Ensure that you keep the conditions around the puppy sterile and clean in order to minimize chances of infection. This is important for your puppies, regardless of whether you choose to dock or not.
  9. The puppy must be closely monitored and in case of any problems that you face, contact your veterinarian.

As a result of these procedures, the tails will contract and fall off in another couple of days.

How to identify original rottweiler puppies?


Rottweiler is a popular breed of dog with its origins from Germany. It is however extremely popular in the USA. The key points for identifying an original Rottweiler puppy are:

  • Check out completely on the physical and personality aspects of the puppy
  • Look at the shape and size of the head. Wrinkled marks appear around its eyes and its ears fold down with a triangular shape
  • Notify its jaw strength. Rottweilers are measured to have the second most powerful bite pressure than the other dog breeds. This is possible due to its heavy jaws and a wider head to absorb the needed level of big muscles to get this strength

How to take care of newborn Rottweiler puppies?


The babies will need to be fed with a commercial canine milk replacer. You must ensure that you keep a specific milk replacer for the puppy. Other milk replacers and cow’s milk will cause diarrhoea disease to the puppy.

The puppies will be required to be fed with a syringe or bottle within a few hours daily and this will happen for many weeks.

How to take care of Rottweiler puppies?


There are a series of things to be followed:

  • After a complete analysis of the Rottweiler dog and surrounding aspects, decide which is the ideal Rottweiler dog that can be brought home
  • Spot the ideal seasoned breeder
  • Take reasonable time for choosing your favourite puppy from the whole lot
  • Confirm whether the vaccination and deworming treatments are done on your favourite Rottweiler puppy before bringing it home
  • Get the processes of microchipping, spaying or neutering done on your puppy
  • Give many exercises to the puppy after a while, say a day later after being brought home
  • Groom your Rottweiler puppy on a weekly basis with a soft-bristled brush
  • Follow a nutritious diet plan for feeding the puppy
  • Start to immediately housetrain your puppy
  • Prepare a daily chart and maintain patience while handling the puppy
  • Start socializing the Rottweiler puppy from a very early age itself, it is very important
  • Keep resting assured that the Rottweiler puppy is feeling completely convenient
  • Enlist the name of your puppy in socialization classes
  • Monitor how your Rottweiler puppy is behaving with other dogs

What is the best dog food for rottweiler puppies?


Foods that have good nutritional value in terms of protein ingredients are most advisable for giving Rottweiler puppies.

The best dog foods for Rottweiler puppies can be:

  • Orijen Adult Dog Grain-Free Dog Food
  • Taste of the Wild Wetlands Dog Food
  • Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diet Dog Food

What is the best food for Rottweiler puppies?


Foods that contain ingredients like chicken, chicken meal, turkey meal and also herring meal are most advisable for feeding a Rottweiler puppy.

Owners can feed their puppy with the ideal diet only if they do not give foods that do not have soy, wheat, or corn. It is essential that the Rottweiler requires protein-rich foods in its diet.

When do Rottweiler puppies stop growing?


Mostly, dogs take one year from birth to attain their proper mature body size. Rottweiler puppies begin as a small breed and stop growing from the age of 12 -13 months. The puppies reach complete maturity during this time.

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