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Yellow Lab – Complete Guide To The Yellow Labrador Retriever

Yellow Lab
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If I were the dean of a Canine University, I would only allow admission of Labrador Retrievers! Why such a preference? Well, I find Lab dogs to be the most fun-loving yet responsible dog breed that can be trained with minimal effort.

Labs show different coat color patterns dividing them into Chocolate lab, English Lab, Yellow Lab, Black lab, Silver Lab, and champagne lab.

In particular, they point the icons of companionship and are known to exhibit great talent in the show rings. They are indeed very good therapy dogs as they confer very good comfort to people who undergo loneliness and depression.

The Yellow Lab is particularly popular like other labs for its chief role as an amazing guide dog.

In the early 20th century, yellow Labradors were a kind of butterscotch color and it was called “Golden” until the UKC changed its name.

The lighter shades of yellow are considered undesirable in gundog lines. The reason – these shades are actually seen by the quarry.

Yellow Lab Breed Characteristics

  • Origin: Newfoundland, Canada
  • Size: Large
  • Dog Breed Group: Working dog
  • Purebred: Yes
  • Lifespan: 10 to 14 years
  • Height: 23 inches
  • Weight: 64-79 lbs
  • Coat Appearance: Short and dense
  • Coat Colors: Pale cream, Fox red
  • Temperament: Active, Outgoing, Friendly
  • Good With Children: Yes
  • Intelligence Level: High
  • Good With Pets: Better with supervision
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Grooming: High
  • Shedding: High
  • Barking: High
  • Suitable For Apartments: No
  • Need For Exercise: High
  • Easy To Train: No
  • Good For First Time Owners: Moderate
  • Health Issues: Hip dysplasia, Elbow dysplasia, Obesity, Ear infections
  • Litter Size: 6 to 8 puppies
  • Average Price: $300 to $1500

Yellow Lab History

Yellow labs were primarily not liked by many owners and most of them were culled with the intention to wipe off this breed completely. Hence, they were quite rare in the beginning.

Gradually they are believed to have been brought to Newfoundland in the 18th century, where they were used as hunting and fishing dogs. They were used to swim the tidal currents to retrieve fish and birds that had fled away.

This breed is quite fond of its owners and love accompanying their masters wherever they went. As the years went by, they grew popular and became more of a family dog. This devoted dog is much devoted to family members.

Yellow Lab Infographic

Yellow Lab Infographics

Yellow Lab Appearance

They are no way different from white or chocolate labs. The difference lies in their popularity and nature of use. They usually are family dogs and are sometimes managed as show ring dogs much as chocolate labs. Actually, silver labs are not a recognized color lab breed in the show ring.

Yellow Labrador retrievers cover a wide range of color breeds. White, butterscotch, fox red labs, golden labs, etc, are officially known as Yellow labs.

Yellow Lab Size

The height and weight of this breed are similar to most other Labrador Retrievers. Their height reaches approximately 23 inches while their weight could range between 64 and 79 lbs; there may be certain variations based on gender.

Yellow Lab Vs Golden Retriever

CharacteristicsYellow LabGolden Retriever
CoatShort and dense coatFlat or wavy and water-repellant coat
WeightYellow labs are heavy compared with Golden retrievers. These dogs weigh between 64 and 79 poundsGolden retrievers weigh between 55 and 75 pounds
Life ExpectancyYellow labs have a long life span compared with Golden retrievers. This dog has a life span of about 10 to 14 yearsGolden retriever has life expectancy of about 11 to 12 years
ExerciseYellow labs need moderate exerciseGolden retrievers need a lot of exercise
SheddingSheds lot compared with Golden retrieverModerate shedding compared with yellow lab
CostYellow labs are expensive. These dogs cost around $300 to $1500Golden retrievers are less expensive compared with yellow labs. These dogs cost between $800 to $1200

Yellow Lab Lifespan

The average lifespan of all Labrador Retrievers, irrespective of color, is 10 – 14 years. The only factor that’s interesting and different in yellow Labs pertaining to age is that they take a year extra to reach adulthood.

So they attain adulthood at 3 instead of 2 like most other lab breeds.

Yellow Lab Health Problems

Yellow Lab Training Tips

Training a Yellow Lab is not different from training other Lab breeds, but since they reach adulthood slower than others, they expect extra pampering and attention.

Performing extraordinarily in show rings is something very natural in them. Training them would be fun, provided they are taught early and with a lot of patience.

They are highly energetic animals and very obedient, unlike their chocolate cousins. So you wouldn’t have a hard time potty training your lab.

How to train a Yellow Lab?

Few Important Points to Remember while training your Lab.

  • Basic Obedience training must be the primary thing to teach your Lab. A regular session of taking orders would help your pet get accustomed to usual habits.
  • Daily activity or walking is a must for all dogs if you want to keep them healthy.
  • Socialization is the next step you must take while training him. If your pet fails to maintain rapport with other pets, he might feel left out and in turn, grow more aggressive.
  • A positive approach towards training is required in order to instill confidence in the pet.



Yellow Lab Food

Most vets recommend using an 8-ounce cup to measure out the food you give your labrador puppy. Adult Labs require at least 2 and a half cups of dog food whereas puppies may consume around 4 cups daily.

Mostly when the puppies are growing, it’s mandatory that they are fed double the quantity of food than their adult counterparts; this food is important to help them gain body mass.

You can gradually reduce the servings as they grow.  While doing so, ensure to keep their weight under check. Consult a vet and confirm the best weight suitable for your pet.

Must Read:  Foods For Labradors And Feeding Methods

Before feeding meat or eggs to your lab, cook well as raw meat can contain dangerous bacteria such as salmonella and E.coli. Moreover, do not feed your dog any food that contains alcohol, chocolate, avocados, onions, garlic, or caffeine.

Interesting Facts About Yellow Lab

  • They were not quite famous during the initial stages and owners prevented them from growing in numbers.
  • They were primarily used as hunting and fishing dogs.
  • The Fox Red Lab is not recognized as a separate Lab color. AKC has labeled it commonly as the Yellow Labrador.
  • They love the water and do not mind retrieving floating balls or twigs.
  • Labs are the most popular breed in America and are recognized by all kennel clubs. They have held onto the first spot for 24 consecutive years, which indeed is record-breaking.

Yellow Lab Names

Male Female
Prince WilliamArya

Recommended Read: Majestic Names For Your Male Dogs, Cute Names For Female Dogs

Yellow Lab Price

The [rice may range anywhere from $300 to $1500.  Some breeders charge high if they have taken medical tests and have given all-important primary immunizations to the pet.

Sometimes the same female dog may have given birth to all the 3 shades of Labrador Retrievers, so that shouldn’t be a surprise to you and neither should it be a factor of suspicion.

Yellow Lab Breeders

The following 3 features are quite enough to certify breeders as reliable and trustworthy;

  1. They take very good care of their animals
  2. Keep a record of their medical conditions
  3. And are happy to explain to us the nature of the pup and other medical details.

Puppy farms and pet stores are not good places to make puppy purchase. For maximum safety, it would be better if you bought your Yellow Lab from a reliable local breeder who is well known by many vets and local guides.

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